Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Breast Cancer Surgery Treatment Information

The gene metamorphosis in breast cancer can be elapsed trough the future generations of woman in the family, particularly if the family has just few females. Above 90 percent of breast cancer cases are diagnosed during the first stages of the illness. Premature spotting is valuable for the patient as it usually means fair Surgery Treatment and a stronger prognosis.

Women who are using potion menopause drugs are placing themselves at a fairly additional risk of contracting breast cancer. The main causes of breast cancer: nutritional deficiencies, manifestation to environmental contagion, inflammation, estrogen dominance and the derivative mess in genetic integrity and immune attention, are all overlooked by this fixation on prescription therapy and its would-be "magic bullets."

Billions of dollars are collect and funneled through drug research, when the modest turmeric plant, the lowly cabbage and the unassuming bowl of miso soup may let far more assurance at preventing and treating breast cancer than all the toximolecular drugs on the marketplace set simultaneously.

According on the measurement,thousand and thousands of under age female are added on this list of women diagnosed with breast cancer, that aren't receiving adequate alertness like correct genetic testing.

breast cancer is the most undestroyed kind of cancer between women. These statistics figure that beyond 25% of the cancers women are diagnosed with are breast cancer. The stats for age groups are even more surprising. For the years 2000 through 2004, 95% of the new cases were base in women who were 40 years of age or older. Of all the deaths caused during this time, 97% of them were in this same group of women.

Somewhat breast cancer rates are increasing in North America and the United Kingdom, the fatality rate is drop. This declining death rate is believed to more women getting mammograms, excellent evaluation processes, and more potent secondary treatments.

Dissimilar what you may have heard, there is no solid data to backup the link that birth control pill causes breast cancer risk. Diver studies have identified a pretty weak link between these pills and the occurrence of breast cancer. As a matter of fact, the incidences of breast cancer from the use of birth control pills are roughly 4.7 women out of 10,000 at the most. Somehow, women should not concern themselves too much in the use of birth control pills for contraceptive purposes.

The ultimate thing you want to be aware of is the link between breast cancer and exposure to pesticides and needless antibiotics. Although research is not determinate, you should be aware of the link between the two. The molecular anatomy of some pesticides resembles that of estrogen. In addition, scientists have found a link between antibiotic use and breast cancer. The longer antibiotics are used, the greater the risk is of getting breast cancer.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Breast Cancer Research and New Treatments

Times have changed. Back in the dark ages, not that many decades ago, breast cancer was a secret shame, and often a death sentence. Women hid the diagnosis, and were helpless victims of a medical system that hadn't spent a lot of time or money dealing with the disease.

Having breast cancer was bad enough; the fact that it usually required the loss of one if not both of the woman's breasts, the most visible of her womanly attributes, was devastating to her self-esteem.

Nowadays, breast cancer is a pink ribbon cause-a rallying point for women's health issues and the leading edge of women's rising consciousness about how they are treated by the medical profession and medical research.

The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.

Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.

Research indicates that the body's immune system may distinguish normal cells from cancer cells. An abnormal or overwhelmed immune system may allow cancer cells to develop. Biologic or immunotherapy is used to stimulate the body's own immune system to better fight the cancer cells.This is just a brief overview in answer to every patient's question, "What is the treatment for breast cancer?" In short, there is no "one-size-fits-all" line of attack against cancer. Each treatment is as individual as the person receiving it. Ask your doctor before making any decisions on which type of treatment is best for you. With research, new treatments continue to evolve. Know what is happening with breast cancer research and new treatments. The next one may be the cure.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Breast Cancer Information

Many women are worried that they might get breast cancer, and who can blame them, it is a scary thing. Not to mention as very personal issue and a big emotional one. But how can women really know what their risk is to getting breast cancer? Is there any way to predict this? What about age, nationality, diet, ethnic origin or genetic displacement?

Breast cancer is more prevalent in American and European women than with Japanese women for some reason, although many demographic researchers believe that might change in the future as more of the American and European culture enters the Japanese lifestyle. Other than that statistic there are no real sizable statistical difference between ethnic categories and cancer of the breast.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. It can affect both men and women with approximately 300 men being diagnosed with the condition annually.
Women with lumpy or dense boobs were earlier believed to have higher risks. But, nowadays, researchers believe there is no such connection. Lumpy or dense tissue makes it difficult to differentiate the normal tissue from the cancerous tissue. So, your doctor may often advise your mammograms to be followed by an ultrasound examination.

Most of them, however, are used in combination with surgery for best effects, either prior to, in order to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery, to remove any remaining cancer cells. For a better understanding of these alternative methods of treatment for breast cancer, let's take a closer look at each one, explaining how and in what cases might be helpful.

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.

Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Preventing Breast Cancer With Resveratrol

Many women are worried that they might get breast cancer, and who can blame them, it is a scary thing. Not to mention as very personal issue and a big emotional one. But how can women really know what their risk is to getting breast cancer? Is there any way to predict this? What about age, nationality, diet, ethnic origin or genetic displacement?

Breast cancer is more prevalent in American and European women than with Japanese women for some reason, although many demographic researchers believe that might change in the future as more of the American and European culture enters the Japanese lifestyle. Other than that statistic there are no real sizable statistical difference between ethnic categories and cancer of the breast.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. It can affect both men and women with approximately 300 men being diagnosed with the condition annually.
The death rate from breast cancer has gone down 2.2 percent per year from 1990 to 2004. Part of that success is the fact that women have learned how to advocate on their own behalf. Gynecological oncologist Dr. Carolyn Runowicz, herself a breast cancer survivor and one-time president of the American Cancer Society, says, "In the old days, we used to be paternalistic, and tell patients what to do. Now we lay out all the choices for the patients." Patients need to know what type of tumor they have and how fast it's growing, and they have more time to plan out a treatment strategy than they think.

The newest precise treatments put more power in the hands of women; they can read up on the latest research and challenge their doctors to help them find the most effective course of action.
While undergoing medical treatment is a major component in dealing with breast cancer, there are complimentary treatments that improve a woman's chances of truly healing-not only the disease itself, but the emotional and psychological issues that may have contributed to getting cancer in the first place.

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.

Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The primary causes of breast cancer

The gene transformation in breast cancer can be passed trough the next generations of females in the family, especially if the family has only few females. Over 90 percent of breast cancer cases are diagnosed during the earlier stages of the disease. Early spotting is beneficial for the patient as it typically means better Research and a stronger prognosis.

Women who are using prescription menopause drugs are placing themselves at a greatly increased risk of contracting breast cancer. The primary causes of breast cancer: nutritional deficiencies, exposure to environmental toxicity, inflammation, estrogen dominance and the resultant breakdown in genetic integrity and immune surveillance, are entirely overlooked by this fixation on drug therapy and its would-be "magic bullets."

Billions of dollars are raised and funneled towards drug research, when the lowly turmeric plant, the humble cabbage and the unassuming bowl of miso soup may offer far more promise at preventing and treating breast cancer than all the toximolecular drugs on the market put together.

Women with lumpy or dense boobs were earlier believed to have higher risks. But, nowadays, researchers believe there is no such connection. Lumpy or dense tissue makes it difficult to differentiate the normal tissue from the cancerous tissue. So, your doctor may often advise your mammograms to be followed by an ultrasound examination.

Most of them, however, are used in combination with surgery for best effects, either prior to, in order to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery, to remove any remaining cancer cells. For a better understanding of these alternative methods of treatment for breast cancer, let's take a closer look at each one, explaining how and in what cases might be helpful.

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.

Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Having breast cancer is bad enough?

Times have changed. Back in the dark ages, not that many decades ago, breast cancer was a secret shame, and often a death sentence. Women hid the diagnosis, and were helpless victims of a medical system that hadn't spent a lot of time or money dealing with the disease.

Having breast cancer was bad enough; the fact that it usually required the loss of one if not both of the woman's breasts, the most visible of her womanly attributes, was devastating to her self-esteem.

Nowadays, breast cancer is a pink ribbon cause-a rallying point for women's health issues and the leading edge of women's rising consciousness about how they are treated by the medical profession and medical research.

Based on the statistics,thousand and thousands of young women are added on this list of women diagnosed with breast cancer, that aren't given enough attention like proper genetic testing.
breast cancer is the most prevalent kind of cancer among women. These statistics show that over 25% of the cancers women are diagnosed with are breast cancer.The stats for age groups are even more startling. For the years 2000 through 2004, 95% of the new cases were found in women who were 40 years of age or older. Of all the deaths caused during this time, 97% of them were in this same group of women.

Though breast cancer rates are increasing in North America and the United Kingdom, the fatality rate is falling. This declining death rate is accredited to more women getting mammograms, better evaluation processes, and more potent secondary treatments.

Facts that are well known to have caused breast cancer are a diet high in animal fat, salt and refined sugar, having been on the contraception pill for many years, the regular consumption of alcohol, our sedentary lifestyle (i.e. not exercising) and the use of chemicals, especially underarm antiperspirants, sunscreens and hair dyes.

Facts that prevent and stop breast cancer from spreading are a healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, vitamin D which you get freely from the sun, exercise and removing the known factors that have caused it.

Remember that true cures for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body's defense system.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Breast cancer can affect women and men

"I am too young to worry about breast cancer."
"If you have a lump in your boob, it is cancer."
"I don't have a family history. I am safe."
"Thank God, I am a male."

Have you heard somebody say this and wondered if it was actually true?

Breast cancer can affect women and men alike and is the second most common type of cancer worldwide next to lung cancer. Breast cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death worldwide. Among women, this cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. It is more prominent in industrially developed countries than in countries not industrially developed.
There are plenty of signs or symptoms involved with detecting breast cancer. The most notable sign or symptom is the discovery of a lump. This lump usually feels different than the surrounding tissue. More than 80 percent of cases are discovered by the woman doing a self-test and finding a lump on the breast according to the Merck Manual. The first red flag discovered by doctors is through mammograms according to American Cancer Society.

The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.

Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.

Unlike what you may have heard, there is no concrete evidence to support the link that birth control pill causes breast cancer risk. Many studies have identified a very weak link between these pills and the occurrence of breast cancer. As a matter of fact, the incidences of breast cancer from the use of birth control pills are about 4.7 women out of 10,000 at the most. Therefore, women should not worry themselves too much in the use of birth control pills for contraceptive purposes.

The last thing you want to be aware of is the link between breast cancer and exposure to pesticides and unnecessary antibiotics. Although research is not conclusive, you should be aware of the link between the two. The molecular structure of some pesticides resembles that of estrogen. In addition, scientists have found a link between antibiotic use and breast cancer. The longer antibiotics are used, the greater the risk is of getting breast cancer.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear

The gene transformation in breast cancer can be passed trough the next generations of females in the family, especially if the family has only few females. Over 90 percent of breast cancer cases are diagnosed during the earlier stages of the disease. Early spotting is beneficial for the patient as it typically means better Research and a stronger prognosis.

Women who are using prescription menopause drugs are placing themselves at a greatly increased risk of contracting breast cancer. The primary causes of breast cancer: nutritional deficiencies, exposure to environmental toxicity, inflammation, estrogen dominance and the resultant breakdown in genetic integrity and immune surveillance, are entirely overlooked by this fixation on drug therapy and its would-be "magic bullets."

Billions of dollars are raised and funneled towards drug research, when the lowly turmeric plant, the humble cabbage and the unassuming bowl of miso soup may offer far more promise at preventing and treating breast cancer than all the toximolecular drugs on the market put together.

The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.

Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.
Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Breast Cancer Rates Still Increasing

Times have changed. Back in the dark ages, not that many decades ago, breast cancer was a secret shame, and often a death sentence. Women hid the diagnosis, and were helpless victims of a medical system that hadn't spent a lot of time or money dealing with the disease.
Having breast cancer was bad enough; the fact that it usually required the loss of one if not both of the woman's breasts, the most visible of her womanly attributes, was devastating to her self-esteem.

Nowadays, breast cancer is a pink ribbon cause-a rallying point for women's health issues and the leading edge of women's rising consciousness about how they are treated by the medical profession and medical research.

Based on the statistics,thousand and thousands of young women are added on this list of women diagnosed with breast cancer, that aren't given enough attention like proper genetic testing.
breast cancer is the most prevalent kind of cancer among women. These statistics show that over 25% of the cancers women are diagnosed with are breast cancer.The stats for age groups are even more startling. For the years 2000 through 2004, 95% of the new cases were found in women who were 40 years of age or older. Of all the deaths caused during this time, 97% of them were in this same group of women.

Though breast cancer rates are increasing in North America and the United Kingdom, the fatality rate is falling. This declining death rate is accredited to more women getting mammograms, better evaluation processes, and more potent secondary treatments.

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.

Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Research for Breast Cancer

"I am too young to worry about breast cancer." "If you have a lump in your boob, it is cancer." "I don't have a family history. I am safe.""Thank God, I am a male."
Have you heard somebody say this and wondered if it was actually true?

Breast cancer can affect women and men alike and is the second most common type of cancer worldwide next to lung cancer. Breast cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death worldwide. Among women, this cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. It is more prominent in industrially developed countries than in countries not industrially developed.

There are plenty of signs or symptoms involved with detecting breast cancer. The most notable sign or symptom is the discovery of a lump. This lump usually feels different than the surrounding tissue. More than 80 percent of cases are discovered by the woman doing a self-test and finding a lump on the breast according to the Merck Manual. The first red flag discovered by doctors is through mammograms according to American Cancer Society.

The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.

Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.

Research indicates that the body's immune system may distinguish normal cells from cancer cells. An abnormal or overwhelmed immune system may allow cancer cells to develop. Biologic or immunotherapy is used to stimulate the body's own immune system to better fight the cancer cells.This is just a brief overview in answer to every patient's question, "What is the treatment for breast cancer?" In short, there is no "one-size-fits-all" line of attack against cancer.

Each treatment is as individual as the person receiving it. Ask your doctor before making any decisions on which type of treatment is best for you. With research, new treatments continue to evolve. Know what is happening with breast cancer research and new treatments. The next one may be the cure.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Breast Cancer Risk

The gene transformation in breast cancer can be passed trough the next generations of females in the family, especially if the family has only few females. Over 90 percent of breast cancer cases are diagnosed during the earlier stages of the disease. Early spotting is beneficial for the patient as it typically means better Cure and a stronger prognosis.

Women who are using prescription menopause drugs are placing themselves at a greatly increased risk of contracting breast cancer. The primary causes of breast cancer: nutritional deficiencies, exposure to environmental toxicity, inflammation, estrogen dominance and the resultant breakdown in genetic integrity and immune surveillance, are entirely overlooked by this fixation on drug therapy and its would-be "magic bullets."

Billions of dollars are raised and funneled towards drug research, when the lowly turmeric plant, the humble cabbage and the unassuming bowl of miso soup may offer far more promise at preventing and treating breast cancer than all the toximolecular drugs on the market put together.

Women with lumpy or dense boobs were earlier believed to have higher risks. But, nowadays, researchers believe there is no such connection. Lumpy or dense tissue makes it difficult to differentiate the normal tissue from the cancerous tissue. So, your doctor may often advise your mammograms to be followed by an ultrasound examination.

Most of them, however, are used in combination with surgery for best effects, either prior to, in order to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery, to remove any remaining cancer cells. For a better understanding of these alternative methods of treatment for breast cancer, let's take a closer look at each one, explaining how and in what cases might be helpful.

Facts that are well known to have caused breast cancer are a diet high in animal fat, salt and refined sugar, having been on the contraception pill for many years, the regular consumption of alcohol, our sedentary lifestyle (i.e. not exercising) and the use of chemicals, especially underarm antiperspirants, sunscreens and hair dyes.

Facts that prevent and stop breast cancer from spreading are a healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, vitamin D which you get freely from the sun, exercise and removing the known factors that have caused it.

Remember that true cures for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body's defense system.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Breast Cancer Information

Many women are worried that they might get breast cancer, and who can blame them, it is a scary thing. Not to mention as very personal issue and a big emotional one. But how can women really know what their risk is to getting breast cancer? Is there any way to predict this? What about age, nationality, diet, ethnic origin or genetic displacement?

Breast cancer is more prevalent in American and European women than with Japanese women for some reason, although many demographic researchers believe that might change in the future as more of the American and European culture enters the Japanese lifestyle. Other than that statistic there are no real sizable statistical difference between ethnic categories and cancer of the breast.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. It can affect both men and women with approximately 300 men being diagnosed with the condition annually.
The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.

Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.

Unlike what you may have heard, there is no concrete evidence to support the link that birth control pill causes breast cancer risk. Many studies have identified a very weak link between these pills and the occurrence of breast cancer. As a matter of fact, the incidences of breast cancer from the use of birth control pills are about 4.7 women out of 10,000 at the most. Therefore, women should not worry themselves too much in the use of birth control pills for contraceptive purposes.

The last thing you want to be aware of is the link between breast cancer and exposure to pesticides and unnecessary antibiotics. Although research is not conclusive, you should be aware of the link between the two. The molecular structure of some pesticides resembles that of estrogen. In addition, scientists have found a link between antibiotic use and breast cancer. The longer antibiotics are used, the greater the risk is of getting breast cancer.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Breast Cancer Immune System

Many women are worried that they might get breast cancer, and who can blame them, it is a scary thing. Not to mention as very personal issue and a big emotional one. But how can women really know what their risk is to getting breast cancer? Is there any way to predict this? What about age, nationality, diet, ethnic origin or genetic displacement?

Breast cancer is more prevalent in American and European women than with Japanese women for some reason, although many demographic researchers believe that might change in the future as more of the American and European culture enters the Japanese lifestyle. Other than that statistic there are no real sizable statistical difference between ethnic categories and cancer of the breast.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. It can affect both men and women with approximately 300 men being diagnosed with the condition annually.
Based on the statistics,thousand and thousands of young women are added on this list of women diagnosed with breast cancer, that aren't given enough attention like proper genetic testing.
breast cancer is the most prevalent kind of cancer among women. These statistics show that over 25% of the cancers women are diagnosed with are breast cancer.The stats for age groups are even more startling. For the years 2000 through 2004, 95% of the new cases were found in women who were 40 years of age or older. Of all the deaths caused during this time, 97% of them were in this same group of women.

Though breast cancer rates are increasing in North America and the United Kingdom, the fatality rate is falling. This declining death rate is accredited to more women getting mammograms, better evaluation processes, and more potent secondary treatments.
Research indicates that the body's immune system may distinguish normal cells from cancer cells. An abnormal or overwhelmed immune system may allow cancer cells to develop.

Biologic or immunotherapy is used to stimulate the body's own immune system to better fight the cancer cells.This is just a brief overview in answer to every patient's question, "What is the treatment for breast cancer?" In short, there is no "one-size-fits-all" line of attack against cancer. Each treatment is as individual as the person receiving it. Ask your doctor before making any decisions on which type of treatment is best for you. With research, new treatments continue to evolve. Know what is happening with breast cancer research and new treatments. The next one may be the cure.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Breast Cancer Facts Information

Many women are worried that they might get breast cancer, and who can blame them, it is a scary thing. Not to mention as very personal issue and a big emotional one. But how can women really know what their risk is to getting breast cancer? Is there any way to predict this? What about age, nationality, diet, ethnic origin or genetic displacement?

Breast cancer is more prevalent in American and European women than with Japanese women for some reason, although many demographic researchers believe that might change in the future as more of the American and European culture enters the Japanese lifestyle. Other than that statistic there are no real sizable statistical difference between ethnic categories and cancer of the breast.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. It can affect both men and women with approximately 300 men being diagnosed with the condition annually.

The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.

Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.

Facts that are well known to have caused breast cancer are a diet high in animal fat, salt and refined sugar, having been on the contraception pill for many years, the regular consumption of alcohol, our sedentary lifestyle (i.e. not exercising) and the use of chemicals, especially underarm antiperspirants, sunscreens and hair dyes.

Facts that prevent and stop breast cancer from spreading are a healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, vitamin D which you get freely from the sun, exercise and removing the known factors that have caused it.

Remember that true cures for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body's defense system.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Breast Cancer Cause Information

"I am too young to concerning breast cancer."
"If you have a tissue in your boob, it's cancer."
"I don't have a ancestral records. I am secure."
"Thank Lord, I am a gentleman."

Have you heard some one affirm this and wondered if it was really true?

Breast cancer can affect women and men alike and is the second much usual type of cancer widespread coming to lung cancer. Breast cancer is the fifth most common origin of cancer decease worldwide. Between female, this cancer is the widely usual cancer universal. It is more high in industrially developed countries than in countries not industrially developed.

There are plenty of signs or symptoms involved with detecting breast cancer. The most prominent sign or symptom is the detection of a lump. This lump generally feels different than the surrounding tissue. More than 80 percent of cases are discovered by the female doing a self-test and finding a lump on the breast according to the Merck Guide. The first red flag discovered by doctors is via mammograms according to American Cancer Society.

The decease rate from breast cancer has gone down 2.2 percent per year from 1990 to 2004. Part of that success is the reality that women have learned how to prompt on their own behalf. Gynecological oncologist Dr. Carolyn Runowicz, herself a breast cancer survivor and one-time president of the American Cancer Society, says, "Long time ago, we used to be paternalistic, and advise patients what to do. Now we lay out all the choices for the patients." Patients wants to realize what type of tumor they have and how fast it's growing, and they have more time to plan out a treatment strategy than they think.

The newest definite treatments put more power in the hands of women; they can read up on the latest research and challenge their doctors to help them find the most effective course of action.

While undergoing medical treatment is a greater element in dealing with breast cancer, there are complimentary treatments that increase a woman's chances of truly healing-not only the illness itself, but the emotional and psychological issues that may have contributed to getting cancer in the first place.

Research indicates that the body's immune system may distinguish normal cells from cancer cells. An anomalous or overwhelmed immune system may allow cancer cells to spread out. Biologic or immunotherapy is useful to stimulate the body's possess immune system to fair combat the cancer cells.

This is good a short overview in response to every patient's problem, "What is the perfect cure for breast cancer?" In brief, there is no "one-size-fits-all" rule of assault though cancer. Each treatment is as personal as the individual acceptance it. Ask your doctor before making any judgments on which type of treatment is best for you. With research, new treatments sustain to develop. Learn what is proceeding with breast cancer research and new treatments. The next one may be the cure.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Breast Cancer and Exposure to Pesticides

"I am too young to worry about breast cancer."
"If you have a lump in your boob, it is cancer."
"I don't have a family history. I am safe."
"Thank God, I am a male."

Have you heard somebody say this and wondered if it was actually true?

Breast cancer can affect women and men alike and is the second most common type of cancer worldwide next to lung cancer. Breast cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death worldwide. Among women, this cancer is the most common cancer worldwide. It is more prominent in industrially developed countries than in countries not industrially developed.

There are plenty of signs or symptoms involved with detecting breast cancer. The most notable sign or symptom is the discovery of a lump. This lump usually feels different than the surrounding tissue. More than 80 percent of cases are discovered by the woman doing a self-test and finding a lump on the breast according to the Merck Manual. The first red flag discovered by doctors is through mammograms according to American Cancer Society.

Women with lumpy or dense boobs were earlier believed to have higher risks. But, nowadays, researchers believe there is no such connection. Lumpy or dense tissue makes it difficult to differentiate the normal tissue from the cancerous tissue. So, your doctor may often advise your mammograms to be followed by an ultrasound examination.

Most of them, however, are used in combination with surgery for best effects, either prior to, in order to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery, to remove any remaining cancer cells. For a better understanding of these alternative methods of treatment for breast cancer, let's take a closer look at each one, explaining how and in what cases might be helpful.

Unlike what you may have heard, there is no concrete evidence to support the link that birth control pill causes breast cancer risk. Many studies have identified a very weak link between these pills and the occurrence of breast cancer. As a matter of fact, the incidences of breast cancer from the use of birth control pills are about 4.7 women out of 10,000 at the most. Therefore, women should not worry themselves too much in the use of birth control pills for contraceptive purposes.

The last thing you want to be aware of is the link between breast cancer and exposure to pesticides and unnecessary antibiotics. Although research is not conclusive, you should be aware of the link between the two. The molecular structure of some pesticides resembles that of estrogen. In addition, scientists have found a link between antibiotic use and breast cancer. The longer antibiotics are used, the greater the risk is of getting breast cancer.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Breast Cancer Statistic Information

Many women are worried that they might get breast cancer, and who can blame them, it is a scary thing. Not to mention as very personal issue and a big emotional one. But how can women really know what their risk is to getting breast cancer? Is there any way to predict this? What about age, nationality, diet, ethnic origin or genetic displacement?

Breast cancer is more prevalent in American and European women than with Japanese women for some reason, although many demographic researchers believe that might change in the future as more of the American and European culture enters the Japanese lifestyle. Other than that statistic there are no real sizable statistical difference between ethnic categories and cancer of the breast.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. It can affect both men and women with approximately 300 men being diagnosed with the condition annually.

Based on the statistics,thousand and thousands of young women are added on this list of women diagnosed with breast cancer, that aren't given enough attention like proper genetic testing.

breast cancer is the most prevalent kind of cancer among women. These statistics show that over 25% of the cancers women are diagnosed with are breast cancer.The stats for age groups are even more startling. For the years 2000 through 2004, 95% of the new cases were found in women who were 40 years of age or older. Of all the deaths caused during this time, 97% of them were in this same group of women.

Though breast cancer rates are increasing in North America and the United Kingdom, the fatality rate is falling. This declining death rate is accredited to more women getting mammograms, better evaluation processes, and more potent secondary treatments.

The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.

Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.

This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Businesses Supporting the Cause

Currently, the month of October is designated as the official National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM). For over two decades, NBCAM has successfully educated women of all ages about early detection, treatment, and diagnosis of breast cancer. Non-profit organizations such as Karmanos Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Breast Cancer Foundation are devoted to raising money for breast cancer research and educating women (and men) about the disease, supporting those with breast cancer, and celebrating the individuals who have survived it.

Companies such as Macys and Target are inviting their consumers to join them in the fight against breast cancer. The Pink Ribbon Items are sold to help support breast cancer research. These companies have agreed to donate a portion of the proceeds to breast cancer charities. Most items related to breast cancer awareness can be identified with a pink label or a pink ribbon. Ford Motor Company has supported breast cancer research for over 10 years by donating money and selling pink silk scarves specifically for breast cancer charities. All businesses are invited to invest in unique corporate gifts that help support breast cancer research. There are corporate gifts available that are embellished with the breast cancer awareness pink ribbon. Some of the other gifts are manufactured in pink and can be personalized with a monogram. These href=http://www.corporatesnobs.com/professional-in-pink.htm>breast cancer awareness business gifts range any where from heart-shaped luggage tags to pink leather totes.

Breast cancer awareness is not limited to woman only. Men are encouraged to support the cause as well. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Even the most masculine man should rethink wearing pink when it comes to supporting a great cause.

Although, October is designated as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, supporting the cause can be a year-round commitment. Those who are unaffected by breast cancer should help join the fight against breast cancer for their loved ones. Whether you decide to participate in an American Cancer Society sponsored walk, donate money to breast cancer charities, or invest in business gifts that help support breast cancer research, you will certainly contribute to saving someones life.

Maria Romain, President and Founder of http://www.academicsuccessmanagement.com>Academic Success Management, Inc. is a writer for http://www.corporatesnobs.com>Corporate Snobs, a web-based company that offers practical and affordable corporate gifts. Find more articles on wonderful business gift ideas by visiting today.

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Breast Cancer Symptoms Guide

Breast cancer is probably the most common cancer affecting women. One must recognise this fact, even if the risk to men is minimal. This is very true when it concerns women. In this article, you will be introduced to this type of cancer, as well as the symptoms that are involved when it comes to breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Explained

Breast cancer is essentially a case of unusual growth that happens principally in the breasts of a person. Changes in breast size is perfectly normal and common for women on a monthly basis due to their natural menstrual cycle. When examining your breasts, you may feel a ball or clump in them. It's likely that many of these are not harmful at all, however, there still exists the possibility that some may carry cancer. The danger is that if one of these lumps is actually cancerous, then it could potentially mestastisize to other regions of the body. This means that it can spread. The lymphatic system and the bloodstream are the 2 mediums through which cells from the breasts travel to other regions of the body. There have been cases where the spread has been quite slow, and there have been others where this spread has been pretty fast.

The Symptoms of Cancer in the Breasts

You may have heard medical experts say on various occasions that in the early phases of breast cancer, you may not detect any symptoms at all. You may also be aware that the symptoms become more obvious as the cancer advances. You should be able to detect at least one of the following symptoms if you have cancer:

1. One may begin to feel some pain in the breast as well as some soreness.

2. Discharge from your breasts may be one of the symptoms and this may be clear, slightly yellow or even look like blood.

3. A change in breast size may indicate cancer, but there may also be other changes relating to the texture. Another indication is if a breast is very warm to touch.

4. There could be swelling in the breast, or even in the lymph node that is found under the arm. If you discover this type of situation, it is important to understand that this could be a sign that cancer is developing.

5. Many individuals may begin to experience itching, burning, and even physical ulcerations on the skin of the breasts.


There is not just one type of breast cancer, there are various. Furthermore, there are various physical signs that show that cancer has begun developing. It's very important that you examine your breast correctly and on a regular basis. Once to twice a month is typically appropriate. Keeping an eye out for the symptoms listed in this article could possibly save your life. Hence, you should not hesitate in calling a doctor if any of the above symptoms present themselves.

Jenni Snook is the chief writer of http://www.Stage4CancerSite.com a website dedicated to giving individuals important yet practical information on the several strains of stage 4 cancer.

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Radiation As a Treatment of Breast Cancer

In latest years, there's been a sudden increase of life-saving treatment advances in opposition to breast cancer, carrying new-fangled expectation and enthusiasm. Rather than simply one or two alternatives, at present there's an irresistible list of options of treatment alternatives that battle the multifaceted mix of cells in every individual cancer. The choices-surgery, followed by maybe radiation, hormonal (anti-estrogen) therapy, and/or chemotherapy-could feel overpowering.

Radiation therapy engages employing a large machine named a linear accelerator to carry specific amounts of high-energy radiation to eradicate cancer cells. The radiation discontinues the reproduction of cancer cells at the same time as reducing damage to healthy tissues. Radiation therapy has been exposed to recover survival in women with breast cancer.

Radiation therapy follows lumpectomy to get rid of any microscopic cancer cells in the left behind breast tissue. The intention of breast conservation therapy is to provide women the matching cure rate they would have if they were treated with a mastectomy but to go away the breast intact, with an emergence and feel as close as potential to what they had prior to treatment. The surgeon might get rid of the lymph nodes all at once as the lumpectomy procedure or later.

Radiation therapy is painless. However, a number of women face side effects, which consist of:

- Redness, discomfort, and also dryness of the skin in the treated part. Your doctor will suggest a particular treatment if this occurs. The redness could take providing a year to become paler.
- Fatigue, typically beginning two to three weeks following treatment starts. The fatigue increases throughout the time of treatment and goes away roughly a month subsequent to treatment finishes. Fatigue must not disable you. The majority women cope by taking a nap or by going to bed earlier.
- Reduced blood counts. Your blood will be tested on a regular basis, particularly if you are receiving chemotherapy too.

The majority patients could decide a treatment based on other factors, like convenience (such as how far you have to travel to get radiation therapy) or private preference (feeling safer if you go through a mastectomy or being extremely worried regarding the likely side effects from radiation therapy). Nearly all women have a preference to keep their breast if this is likely to do in safety, but there is no exact answer for every person. However, this decision is not one the physician could make for you.

There are no instant side effects from every radiation treatment set to the breast. Patients do not expand nausea or hair loss on the head.

Once radiation treatments begin, you could wait for to be given small daily doses of radiation over an episode of some days to some weeks.

If you want to get some excellent resources on Breast Cancer, please visit my site on All about Breast Cancer or Breast Cancer and Radiation

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Review of Men's Breast Cancer

Men's breast cancer is rare, but it happens to approximately 2000 men every year with thousands more reporting benign lumps or non-cancerous tissue growth. Men account for approximately one percent of all breast cancer patients. To learn more about male breast cancer, keep reading.

Male Breast Cancer Symptoms

Typically, any changes in tissue growth or bumps in men are usually benign (non-cancerous). However, that doesn't mean men should feel comfortable in ignoring it.

The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men are actually quite similar to the symptoms for women. These include nipple inversion, detecting a lump, unexplained tissue growth, change in breast size, skin puckering or dimpling, nipple discharge, itchiness or redness.

Men generally have less breast tissue than women, making it much easier to detect lumps. However, this also means the cancer can spread to other parts of the body more quickly than in women. This is why early detection is so critical for men.

Risk Factors for Men's Breast Cancer

Advancing Age

Men between the ages of 60 and 70 are the most likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer.


About one-fifth of men who are diagnosed with breast cancer have at least one immediate female relative who has or had breast cancer.

Prior Radiation Exposure

Radiation exposure to the chest (for example, past treatment for lung cancer) can be a risk factor for the development of male breast cancer.

History of Liver Diseases

Because the liver helps to regulate hormone levels, many men who have endured a liver disease have hormonal problems such as lower levels of androgens. This puts them at an increased risk for developing breast cancer or gynecomastia (benign tissue growth).

Estrogen Treatments

Often men who are being treated for prostate cancer are put on estrogen treatments to help control the disease. These men may be at a higher risk for developing breast cancer. That said, the American Cancer Society says those risks are small and worth the benefits of improved health for prostate cancer patients.

Klinefelter's Syndrome

Typically, men are born with one Y chromosome and one X chromosome. Klinefelter's Syndrome is when a man is born with two or more X chromosomes (female chromosomes). Approximately 1 in 850 men were born with Klinefelter's.

Men with Klinefelter's usually have higher estrogen levels and lower androgen levels. This typically translates to a more significant risk rate for breast cancer.

Treating Breast Cancer in Men

Men's breast cancer is typically treated with surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy - or a combination of the four treatment courses.

Survival rates, particularly for those cases detected early, are good - 96% for stage I diagnosis, 84% for stage II diagnosis, 52% for stage III diagnosis and 24% for stage IV diagnosis.

For helpful information on various cancers - please visit cancerinfotips.com - a popular site providing symptom and treatment insights - such as men's breast cancer - childhood osteosarcoma - and many more!

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer- Coping with Skin Reactions

Radiation therapy is a simple, painless, and generally well-tolerated tool for treating and even curing breast cancer. One of the most common side effects of radiation therapy to the breast (after a lumpectomy) or to the chest wall (after a mastectomy) is skin irritation. The reaction and its extent differ for every woman. Because radiation therapy is often such an important part of breast cancer treatment, it is important to know how to mitigate its side effects in order to gain the greatest benefit from the therapy.

Coping with Skin Irritation

Radiation-induced skin reactions are more likely to occur in people who received chemotherapy shortly before or during radiation therapy and in women who have a prominent fold under the crease of the breast. In fact, this area and the underarm are the most common areas of the breast to sustain a skin reaction. Most skin reactions resolve within a few weeks of completing radiation therapy.

Skin reactions are almost inevitable for women receiving radiation to the chest wall after a mastectomy. As a result, many radiation oncology facilities give such women a one-week prophylactic break halfway through the course of treatment, to reduce the severity of skin reactions.

The severity of a skin reaction varies from person to person. It can become more noticeable as the course of treatment progresses. Faint pinkness of the skin, brisk redness, sun burnt sensation, dryness, itching, peeling, darkening like a suntan, blistering, and moist oozing can occur.

When the reaction is severe, such as a brisk redness that evolves into blistering and moist weeping of the skin, women receive a treatment break, usually lasting a week or two. This rest is usually sufficient to alleviate the worst symptoms. When necessary, doctors can prescribe therapeutic creams. Radiation can be resumed once the reaction resolves.

Treating the Reaction

During radiation therapy, women can avoid chafing the irradiated skin by going braless or by wearing a cotton sports bra without an underwire that fits well below the crease of the breast or the irradiated skin of the chest wall. Women who can go braless altogether, should. If that is not a comfortable solution, women should wear a bra as infrequently as possible to reduce the likelihood and/or the degree of a skin reaction. Also, aerating the irradiated skin helps minimize skin reactions.

Over-the-counter moisturizing creams without alcohol and fragrance can reduce the extent of a skin reaction. Often, radiation oncology teams prescribe these creams at the beginning of radiation therapy.

Women should also try to be kind to the irradiated skin, which can be easily inflamed. Radiation oncologists suggest:

Do not rub, scrub, or scratch the skin in the treatment area; instead, pat the skin dry and massage physician-prescribed anti-itch creams or ointments onto the affected area.

Avoid sun exposure to the irradiated skin. When going outdoors, wear protective opaque clothing such as a cotton tee shirt.

Steer clear of tight-fitting blouses and bras over the area unless instructed otherwise.

Use only lukewarm water and mild soap recommended by the radiation oncology team on the treated area.

Avoid using ice packs or heating pads on the treated skin.

Steer clear of commercial deodorants and skin care products not endorsed by the treatment team.

Do not shave the underarm on the treated side with a non-electric razor.

Avoid skin care products for at least two hours before radiation treatment.

Although a number of people who undergo radiation therapy do experience skin reactions, most get past this temporary side effect. By working with their radiation oncology teams, people pass the metaphorical finish line of the course of radiation therapy, usually victoriously. Most importantly, they derive substantial benefits from radiation therapy and move on to leading productive, cancer-free lives.

Dr. Kornmehl is a board certified radiation oncologist and author of the critically acclaimed consumer health book, The Best News About Radiation Therapy (M. Evans, 2004). Her website is http://www.RTSupportDoc.com .

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

A Shower Filter Head - How it Prevents Breast Cancer and Skin Disorders

A shower filter head may seem like an ordinary appliance from a hardware store but a lot of people do not realize that showering with clean and safe water is as vital as drinking with filtered water. Just because you don't drink the water in the shower, it does not mean that you don't need to treat it.

Municipal water facilities use chlorine to remove some contaminants, however there are disadvantages. According to the American Journal of Public Health, there had been a significant increase of cancer and two thirds of these symptoms come from skin absorption while showering with water that has chlorine in it.

How do contaminants enter the skin? Every time a person takes a shower with warm water, the pores open up and allows chlorine and other chemicals to penetrate the skin. The steam inhaled in the bathroom contains twenty times the level of chlorine and other toxic chemicals due to the fact that the chemicals vaporize at a faster rate in low temperature. The vapors affect the tissues of the lungs and cause asthma and bronchitis. Next, the chemicals enter the bloodstream and set off an adverse reaction in the organs and other tissues.

Latest findings include breast and bladder cancer to be the effect of chlorine and chemicals that have seeped into the body through the skin when bathing with unfiltered water. One example is the nicotine patch. Chemicals from the patch penetrate the skin to prevent a person from smoking. Likewise, toxins can easily enter the body through the skin if a person does not take precautionary measures in the bathroom.

The U.S. EPA has disclosed a study that stated, "Virtually every home in America has a detectable level of chloroform gas in the air due to chlorine and showering."

The National Breast Cancer Fund has also released reports that the common factor with women that have breast cancer is that they have 50 to 60% higher levels of chlorine by-products in their fat tissue.

What are the added benefits of bathing with filtered water? It prevents your skin from drying up. If you have noticed after swimming in a pool, your skin feels dry and your hair has lost its moisture. This is because of the harsh drying effect of chlorine in the water. With a good shower filter, the water retains the moisture in the skin and hairs making it look healthier and younger.

"It's so noticeable, you can feel the difference in your skin and hair the very first time you use a shower filter." This was the reaction of Rena Mathews, Nutritional Consultant and Editor of Cosmetology Today, when she used a shower filter in her home.

So what's your next step? Install a shower filter as soon as possible to protect your family from the harmful effects of chlorine and other chemicals in your water. Visit John Askelon's website to find out more about the quality of America's water and discover which filtration system is best for your home.

John Askelon has studied issues against environmental pollution and its effects on everyone's health. He has researched extensively on the deteriorating quality of America's drinking water. He suggests ways on how to protect people from thousands of contaminants that seep into the water system in their homes. Visit his website - http://www.cleanwellwaterfilters.com.

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Breast Cancer Prevention - How to Get Ready For Your Mammogram

A mammogram is one of the safest ways that is used to check if there is any problem with the breast of a woman. It is actually an x-ray of the breasts, as it involves in using a special and very low dose x-ray machine taking pictures of both breasts.

Effective Method of Preventing Cancer

Mammogram is an effective way of breast cancer prevention, as it is the most reliable procedure to detect early stages of breast cancer. However, there are some limitations of mammogram. Many cancers may not be detected by mammograms. Such breast cancers can be detected by breast self-exam. This article will guide you in getting ready for your mammogram.

What You Should Watch Out For?

Firstly, you should check the place where you are going to have your mammogram, so that you get to know about any special instructions, which you must follow before you arrive there. You should make the appointment for your mammogram for at least one week after the completion of your period. This is because your breast generally hurt less during this time. You should make sure that you tell your mammography facility, if you have ever got any type of breast implants.

Things to Remember Before Visiting Mammogram Facility

It is better that you wear a shirt preferably with shorts, skirt or pants. This helps you to undress from the waist up, thus leaving your pants, skirt or shorts on while you are getting your mammogram. It is highly advised that do not use any sort of deodorant, lotion, powder or lotion on your breasts or under your arms on the day you are having your mammogram.

Using these things may result in shadows on your mammogram, as they contain small aluminium particles. You can use cornstarch in place of talcum powder or deodorant, as it does not interfere with the x-ray image. You should not use any sort skin lotions on your breasts, as it can make them slippery. Hence, it will result in a movement during the process and a blurred image may be produced.

What Actually Happens During the Diagnosis Process?

After reaching the clinic, you should undress up to your waist. Try wearing clothes that can be easily removed and has loose fittings. Do not wear a bra on the day. Do not forget to take a hairbrush, so that you can tidy up at the time of redressing. After undressing, you will be asked to put on the hospital gown, opening to the front. The technician will help you in positioning yourself in front of the mammogram machine while standing. While taking the mammogram, your technician will rest each of your breasts on a metal plate, arranging maximum of the breast tissue between the top compression plate and the bottom plate. Your breasts will then be imaged and compressed for various lateral and vertical images.

It is recommended that women, especially those belonging to the upper age limit of 40 years or more, have a mammogram of their breasts done every year. This helps in early detection of breast cancer in one's breast and ensures proper treatment, which can even cure cancer.

To Your Health!

Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women's Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Things You Can Do to Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths from cancer in the United States. Every year around 11,000 women die and 49,000 new cases are diagnosed. However, there are things you can do to prevent breast cancer so that your risk is lowered.

Things You Can Do to Prevent Breast Cancer:

Diet: If you improve your diet, you can dramatically reduce the risk of getting breast cancer. Avoid foods like pastries, pizzas, fried foods. Instead start eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, cut down on alcohol, tea, coffee and nicotine.
Exercise: Make it a point to exercise at least for 30 minutes a day. This will reduce the chances of developing present by 30 to 40 percent. Having a healthy body will allow it to fight not just against cancer but other infections and diseases.
Pregnancy: Doctors advocate women having their first child by the age of 25. Although there is no concrete evidence but doctors say that women who have children early reduce their chances of getting breast cancer significantly compared to women who have their first child in their 30s.
Breastfeed your baby for at least 6 months: The risk of developing cancer reduces if you breastfeed your child for at least 6 months.

Remember, breast cancer can be treated and cured if detected early. Doctors lay stress on this constantly. Women should go for regular breast examination after the age of 30; or they can do it themselves at home. There are many websites that teach women how self-examination can be done. However, as the age-old adage goes, prevention is better than cure. That is why you should take heed and work towards preventing breast cancer. After all, it is easier and cheaper than breast cancer treatment!

About Author:
Pauline Go is an online leading expert in health care industry. She also offers top quality articles like:

Effects of Brain Cancer, Nadir and Chemotherapy

Breast Cancer Information

Traditional Breast Cancer Treatments and Alternative

A wide variety of alternative breast cancer treatments exist today. While "alternative" treatments are defined as practices that replace traditional treatments, most breast cancer patients use them in combination with conventional medicine. Generally, alternative treatments are not acknowledged by the medical community as standard medical practices and therefore, many patients do not inform their doctors when using these therapies. Examples of alternative treatments include acupuncture, massage, megavitamins, herbal supplements, nutrition, and magnetic therapy, to name a few.

Practiced for thousands of years, acupuncture involves the stimulation of specific points on the body using a hair-thin needle, or other method, to restore the body's internal balance and energy flow. Acupuncture may be used for pain relief and to control side effects from chemotherapy.

Massage involves manual manipulation of muscles and soft tissue. It is believed that massage enhances the function of those muscles and tissues involved, while promoting relaxation. It is often used together with other therapies. Available scientific evidence does not support claims that massage slows or reverses the growth or spread of cancer.

Megavitamin treatments usually involve very high doses of vitamins A, C and E. While the body requires these and other vitamins for optimal health, too much of a single vitamin may be harmful and even interfere with other treatments. A healthy diet, one that offers lots of fruits and vegetables, eliminates the need for vitamin supplements. More is not always better.

Good nutrition is always important, but for anyone fighting breast cancer, or any cancer, it's crucial. Though there are many, one alternative nutrition treatment is the macrobiotic diet. This diet is strictly vegetarian and includes whole grains, vegetables, beans, seaweed and soups. This diet is promoted for both cancer prevention and treatment, though there is no proof that is has any affect on either. In general, a healthy diet-one that includes fruits, vegetables and protein-provides the reserves of nutrients needed to maintain a strong immune system and cope with the adverse side of effects of treatments.

Herbal supplements are plant extracts and have long been used for a variety of health purposes. While they may be labeled as "natural," it doesn't mean that they are safe or even good for the body. The fact is that herbal supplements can act like a drug and may be harmful when taken in large amounts. There are few regulations in place to control the quality and safety of these products. In 2007, the FDA did initiate new regulations to help improve this, but many are not effective until 2010. Cancer experts often recommend that patients avoid dietary supplements altogether.

These are just a few of the many alternative breast cancer treatments available. When facing a life threatening illness, such as breast cancer, a feeling of desperation may be experienced while searching for treatments. As a result, the patient may develop an "I'll try anything" mentality. While it's important to keep an open mind about new treatment options, it's more important to approach alternative treatments with caution. Be upfront and honest with everyone involved in treating your disease before starting any alternative therapies. Many of these may be safe, but there may also be risks involved when combining alternative and traditional medicine. Ultimately, the decision for any treatment is up to the patient. Choosing one treatment over another should be based on knowledge, not fear. Remember, knowledge is power.

For more information on alternative breast cancer treatment go to http://www.understanding-breast-cancer-treatment.com


The Benefits and Risks of Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the second most widespread form of cancer and the second foremost cause of cancer deaths for American women. Every year, over 210,000 women in the United States find out that they suffer breast cancer.

Everybody possesses two genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. As normal, these genes assist to putting off cancer tumors from developing. Nevertheless at times a person inherits an abnormal form of BRCA1 or BRCA2 from his or her family.

The BRCA gene test is a kind of genetic test that's probable simply intended for specific diseases that run in families, and it's presented simply to women who are at especially high risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer rooted in individual or family history. The BRCA gene test isn't habitually executed on women at standard risk of these cancers.

Genetic testing for inherited vulnerability for breast and ovarian cancer is the first genetic test to be marketed openly to consumers. Public health agencies might be called upon to respond issues regarding this testing from the wide-ranging public and healthcare providers in their communities. This truth sheet holds information regarding the genetic test for inherited vulnerability for breast and ovarian cancer, the clinical perspective in which it is presently employed, and a number of the possible ethical and social matters.

Genetic testing to assess breast and ovarian cancer risk might bring out numerous emotional and psychological responses.

Genetic testing could influence relationships with family members. Consider in relation to who in your family might would like to understand your test results, and who you'd like to convey. If you are considering regarding being examined, you ought to make a decision what the benefits and disadvantages of testing are for you. What is appropriate for one person is not constantly proper for another.

Intensive genetic therapy is needed before undergoing genetic tests. In this educational counseling meeting, the healthcare provider could completely make clear the advantages and risks of genetic testing and reply any issues you might have.

When somebody with cancer identification and a family record of the disease has been tested and discovered to have an altered BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, the family is supposed to have a known mutation. If a relationship between the growth of breast cancer and a breast cancer gene is completed then all family members willing to take part in genetic testing are inquired to provide a sample of blood. For lots of people, identifying their test outcomes is essential, since this information could assist to direct future health care choices for themselves and their families.

Talk to your doctor or other health care professional educated in genetics regarding your family account. He or she could assist you be acquainted with if you possess a considerable family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer.

If you want to get some excellent resources on Breast Cancer, please visit my site on All about Breast Cancer or Genetics Testing for Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

Early Screening Methods of Breast Cancer and Preparation Tips

Breast cancer is a horrible disease which affects millions of women and men every year. Nearly everyone in their lives knows someone affected by breast cancer. Did you know it affects almost ten percent of women above the age of forty years? While we are conducting massive research into it, the causes of this killer cancer are still largely unknown.

While we don't know much of what causes it, there are ways for you to get properly screened before the cancer takes root. This would include self examinations, mammography viewer, or PACS workstations. Here are some methods and steps to get you screened for breast cancer.

Screening Mammograms

Screening mammograms are designed for women with no real, significant symptoms. These range from a lump to a black or bloody nipple discharge. Women experiencing any of these symptoms should schedule a diagnostic mammogram, which must be performed by a physician.

Diagnostic Mammograms

Diagnostic mammograms are done under the direct supervision of a radiologist. This type of mammography involves the verification, localization and characterization of breast abnormalities and uses a multitude of tools to evaluate these abnormalities.

Digital Mammograms

Digital mammography, such as PACS workstations and the mammography web viewer, is the latest technology achievement in the early detection of breast cancer. New digital capabilities allow tools like the mammography workstation and mammography viewer technologists to immediately view images on a mammography web viewer. These PACS workstations reduce the amount of wasted time spent in the imaging suite as well as the need for retakes.

Preparation for mammography using a mammography viewer or PACS workstations requires just a few simple steps from the patient. They mostly all involve communication with the radiologist performing the mammogram.

To help minimize discomfort during a mammography under a mammography workstation, schedule your mammogram to take place one week after your period. Your breasts tend to be less tender during this time.
If at all possible, bring previous mammogram results with you. A list of where and when you had previous mammograms is also acceptable.
On the day of your examination, do not wear any type of talcum powder, deodorant, lotion or perfume under your arms or on your breasts. These substances can cause blemishes on your mammogram making the images harder to read. Aluminum flecks in some powders and deodorants can mimic micro-calcifications on the x-ray image. You don't often have this problem with PACS workstations but they still ask that you don't.
Try to wear a two piece outfit. This way you only have to remove your top and bra for the mammography viewer examination. Other clothes such as a blouse which buttons in the front is also acceptable since it can be easily removed.
Try not to ear any jewelry. If you do have jewelry on, be sure it can be easily and quickly removable. This is especially true with PACS workstations procedures requiring you to lie face down.

If you have questions concerning the mammography viewer test procedure, discuss these issues with your doctor beforehand.

Wayne Hemrick writes about the advent of future technology. PACS and the DICOM standard, patient information can be shared electronically and near-instantaneously by digital imaging users using a host of modality, computer hardware and imaging software vendors. In this article Wayne talks about pacs workstations and the mammography workstation.

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Breast Cancer Information

Breast Cancer Survival Rate - Stage 4 Breast Cancer

The breast cancer survival rate for Stage 4 breast cancer is much lower than for breast cancer detected at earlier stages.

Stage 4 breast cancer, or advanced breast cancer, has metastasized to other tissue including bone tissue, lung tissue, or the liver. When breast cancer has overwhelmed the bodys natural defenses and spread this far by the time the cancer is first diagnosed, the 5-year survival rate drops to 16%-20% in the United States (American Cancer Society).

Up to 5% of white women in the U.S., and up to 9% of black women have advanced breast cancer spread to distant tissue at the time of first diagnosis (SEER). This difference is usually attributed to poverty and lack of health insurance.

In general, women who have advanced breast cancer at the time of diagnosis live approximately 18 months after diagnosis (median survival rate). Those who are still alive five years after their diagnosis of advanced breast cancer can live an additional 3.5 years (median survival rate) according to the American Cancer Society.

Since this is the most deadly category of breast cancer, it is important to work closely with all the health care providers. New treatments are being developed all the time, and second, or even third opinions may give the patient more information about newly discovered successful solutions.

Early detection is clearly the most important factor in breast cancer survival rates. Breast cancer detected at Stage 1 while it is still localized to the breast has a survival rate of 98%-100%, while metastasized breast cancer first detected at Stage 4 drops down to 16%-20%.

Early detection procedures must include monthly self-examinations done at the same time each month. From age 20-40, healthy women should have clinical breast exams performed by their health care providers every three years. After age 40, the breast exams should be annually and should include a mammogram or similar procedure.

North American white women have the highest rates of breast cancer in the world, but the 5-year survival rate for all stages (Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4) combined is 88% for the U.S. A recent study found European countries have lower 5-year breast cancer survival rates, with England at 77.8% and Ireland at 76.2% (Lancet Oncology).

The difference in these survival rates is usually attributed to life-saving early detection.

For more information on research showing increased breast cancer survival rates, see http://www.green-tea-health-news.com/breast-cancer-survival-rate.html

Sharon Jones has over 40 years training and experience in science, mainstream health care, and alternative health care. Her website is http://www.green-tea-health-news.com

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Breast Cancer Information

Antiperspirants And Breast Cancer

Most underarm antiperspirants contain as the active ingredient, Aluminium Chlorohydrate, as you will probably remember there has been controversy about Aluminium, since the 1950's when it was a popular metal used for making cooking pots, Saucepans and Fry Pans and that it could be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer's, now we have another problem that could also be related to Aluminium, Breast Cancer.

Research shows that one of the leading causes of Breast Cancer could be the use of antiperspirants. The human body has a number of areas, that it uses to purge Toxins from the body, these are, behind the knees, behind the ears, the groin area, and the armpits. The toxins are purged from the body in the form of perspiration and antiperspirant as the name clearly suggests prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging Toxins from the armpit area.

These Toxin do not just disappear, Instead, the body deposits them in the Lymph Nodes below the arms, since it is unable to sweat them out. A concentration of Toxins then builds up in the areas such as the armpits, which can then lead to cell mutations, which is cancer.

It cannot be ignored, that nearly all Breast Cancer Tumors occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast area, this is where the Lymph Nodes are located. Men are less likely (but not totally exempt) to develop breast cancer prompted by the use of antiperspirants, because the antiperspirant is more likely to be caught in the armpit hair, rather than directly applied to the skin, but ladies, who shave their armpits, increase the risk by causing imperceptable nicks in the skin, which allow the chemicals to enter easily into the body through the armpits.

This article is aimed mainly at ladies, but please be aware that there are a few antiperspirants on the market that are made from natural products, but basically they would still trap the Toxins in the same areas. The best solution is to use deodorants, rather than antiperspirants, also please remember that the Eight Essential Sugars in Glyconutrients can also help to fight off Toxins.

There is a lot of controversy about this article, the medical profession scoff at the idea, and so do big business, but then again there are huge numbers of people that scoff at the problems associated with Fluoride in drinking water. You can make up your own mind on whether there is someting in this article or not, I know that if I was a lady, I would keep clear of Antiperspirants. I realise that Doctors everywhere, do a marvelous job, and they are appreciated, but they are reluctant to look at the bigger picture, also please remember that the fourth largest killer of people in the western world is prescription drugs.

"Article by Alfred Jones of http://www.SugarsR4U.com and http://www.RUsweetEnuf.com Learn about Glyconutrients, The Essential Sugars for Life or Himalayan Goji Juice a Boost Immune System Vitamin".

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Breast Cancer Information

Plastics and Breast Cancer

Xenoestrogens are a modern phenomenon from the plastics we use so often. Useful products like plastic containers (yes, even polystyrene has recently been discovered to be a problem), zip lock bags and many other petroleum based products out gas a bit of the petroleum they are made from. The fumes and airborne particles get into our bodies and cause us to produce more estrogen, thus increasing our chances of breast cancer and other estrogen related problems. Other reports indicate that the increase in estrogen may decrease the male sex drive by throwing off the testosterone/estrogen balance. Now there's a motivation to avoid petroleum products!

A few things you can avoid to reduce your exposure to these xenoestrogens are: household candles, plastic bags and containers, new carpet and upholstery, pesticides, perfumes, air fresheners, soaps and lotions with fragrances, that new car smell, etc. Do you see the pattern? It's basically anything that makes you breathe in deep and say, "ooh that smells so good!" Products that are applied directly to your skin cause more bodily damage than those ingested, as the skin absorbes them directly into your blood stream without washing them through your liver.

We don't need to get worried about everything in our environment, we just need to be aware so we can keep our exposure to the xenoestrogens to a minimum. I try to reuse glass containers like spaghetti and peanut butter jars rather than plastic cups or containers. I have been washing and saving the glass jars other people use from SoBe and ice tea drinks and using those for water bottles. The glass is thick and does not break easily. We use glass and ceramic bowls and put stainless lids over them for food storage in the fridge. We try not to use skin products with fragrances or parabens. I don't burn my pretty candles, just the ones from the health stores. We open the doors and windows to keep the house smelling fresh rather than use plug-ins and don't use scented cleaners. I also try to avoid fleece clothing and blankets. However, I have yet to find a good substitute for zip lock baggies for my kids lunches.

Using fewer petroleum products will help help our health, be better for the earth and may make a tiny dent in our oil consumption (at least it won't hurt!).

Written by Kathy Loidolt, author of Shopper's Guide to Healthy Living.
This beginner's guide to eating and living healthy takes only four hours to read, contains five phases, tear-out shopping lists, great recipes, product favorite shopping ideas and forbidden ingredients lists. Order yours today, it just may save your live! Available at http://www.ShoppersGuidetoHealthyLiving.com Click on this website to be added free to the Healthy Hint of the Week distribution list.

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Breast Cancer Information

Team Up Your Foods to Fight Breast Cancer

If you think that eating broccoli is enough to help you fight breast cancer, you'd better think again.

Lead researcher, Dr. Paul Talalay, of Johns Hopkins University, was the first to isolate a broccoli-related compound called sulforaphane glucosinolate in 1992. His study showed that this broccoli compound had potent activity against breast cancer cells. Later research confirmed his findings, and provided the key mechanism of action behind broccoli: it boosts key enzymes in the body that fight against tumor development.

With all of this research proving broccoli's benefit for breast cancer, why am I suggesting that eating this cruciferous vegetable is not necessarily going to help you?

The answer presents itself when you understand the value of a team. Now, you may already have a healing team-a medical doctor, yoga instructor, nutritionist, spiritual guide and so on-but does your health approach include teaming up what you eat? As it turns out, broccoli alone isn't very effective in fighting cancer! A nutritionist I recently ran into said, "There is no such thing as a super food, only a super diet." I agree.

Based on the philosophy that a varied diet provides the best chances for optimal health, I suggest to all my patients that eating a variety of colorful plants every day will provide them with the most powerful cancer fighting tools. As it turns out, smaller amounts of plant chemicals and nutrients found in a mixed bag of foods work together to provide huge changes at the cellular level. Simply put, you get more nutrition bang for your buck when you combine nutrients that will work together to create something larger than themselves. This is known in professional health circles as nutritional synergy.

Researchers at the University College of Medical Sciences in India have shown to what extent certain combinations of food can act together to protect the body from cancer-causing agents. In a recent study, mice were exposed to carcinogens that provoked breast cancer in 100% of them. The mice were then divided into groups with each group being administered increasing levels of plant compounds. Among the mice that received only one of these food compounds, 50% developed a tumor. Among those who consumed two of these food compounds, only a third developed cancer. If three components were combined, the proportion of tumor-ridden mice went down to one in five and to only one in ten among those that consumed all four substances.
The take home message is simple: If you regularly down orange juice for breakfast and eat lots of broccoli without varying your diet to include all the colorful plants, you are not providing your body with maximum cancer-fighting potential!

Let's take a look at another study. Earlier research revealed that isolate soy isoflavones have tumor-promoting effects in late-stage breast cancer, but in recent lab studies, flaxseed has been shown to weaken this effect. After another lab study analyzing the breakdown products from the lignans in flaxseed in combination with the whole food form of soy, flaxseed researcher Dr. Lillian Thompson, from the University of Toronto, concluded that for postmenopausal women with low estrogen levels, the combination of soy and flaxseed may be more beneficial than soy alone in controlling breast cancer growth. In this case, the two are better than one!

Finally, let's get back to the broccoli issue. Pairing broccoli with tomatoes has been found to fight prostate cancer. Combining these two powerhouse foods, Dr. Erdman and associates, found that prostate tumors grew much less in rats that were fed tomato and broccoli powders than in rats who ate diets containing either just one of those powders or cancer-fighting substances that had been isolated from tomatoes or broccoli. Yes, I know you don't have a prostate....but there is a valuable lesson to be derived from this study: Isolated nutrients aren't nearly as powerful as the whole food! This is why I caution against choosing dietary supplements that contain isolated nutrients like vitamin C or E or extracted plant chemicals, like lycopene or beta carotene and favor whole foods dietary supplements instead. Inside whole foods supplements are the full array of vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that work hand-in-hand to create powerful healing benefits.For more information on the whole food supplements I recommend, please order my free breast cancer wellness report on dietary supplements to fight breast cancer. And remember, fruits and veggies probably get lonely too. So why not team them up?!

Dr. Kim Dalzell is a doctor of holistic nutrition and registered dietitian who has helped thousands of cancer patients with her nature-based healing approach to cancer control. She is a sought after speaker, author of Challenge Cancer and Win!, and industry spokesperson. To learn more about how you can control cancer with nutrition, please visit:

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information