Sunday, February 8, 2009

Adult Weight Change and Risk of Post Menopausal Breast Cancer

1)Obesity is associated with many chronic diseases like post menopausal breast cancer.

2)Since 18 years and menopause stage, increased weight is associated with increased risk of breast cancer particularly in women who don't took post menopausal hormones as it lowers circulating estrogens and there by decreasing in weight and increased risk of breast cancer.

3) During 1976 to 2002 about 121700 married female registered nurses between age 30 to 55 years were enrolled and information on their lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, physical activity and history of breast cancer.

4) The assessed weight change was taken for two different periods; age 18 years and post menopausal stage from 1976 was included.

5)While excluding women who had cancer other than nom melanoma skin cancer and only 40.68% of women were included in the study.

6)Weight change since 18 years and menopausal stage were calculated and differences between current and previous weight were taken analysis was done using questionnaire cycle which were categorized into nine groups.

7) Where in women who lost, gained or maintained weight since 18 years and menopause stage were considered stable if they had the same weight until next questionnaire cycle there were taken as unstable. Women out of 40.68%, 8.8% who responded by 2002 were included in he study.

8)Statistical analysis was done a part of the study were wald test was done to detect whether the association differed by estrogen and progesterone receptor.

9)Comparison of the model with separate weight change slopes in each case groups, calculated incidence rates weight change, estimation of absolute risk of breast cancer weight change.

10)Overall 8.8% were studied in which women had maintained a gained weight; out of which women who had gained 25 kg or more since 18 years and who had never taken post menopausal hormones were at greater risk of breast cancer.

11)Women who gained 10 kg or more since menopausal stage were at greater risk of getting breast cancer compared to the women who took post menopausal hormone.

12)Over all 15% out of 8.8% of breast cancer cases were attributed to weight gain of 2 kg or more since 18 years age and 4.4% out of 8.8% attributed to menopausal stage.

13)So at the end of the study in was concluded that weight gain at menopause stage had increased risk of breast cancer among post menopausal women compared to weight loss after menopause is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer.

I am Ravi Raj, i am a cool and very chubby kind of person who likes to hang out mostly with my friends. I like going out to movies. Recently I have done with my master and I am submitting an article on a cancer.

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