Friday, February 13, 2009

BSE, Breast Ultrasound, and Breast Biopsy Explained

Breast cancer is one of the leading types of cancer among women in the world today. It also ranks as one of the leading cause of death among women, with the number of recorded cases reaching to millions annually.

With this data being circulated by the World Health Organization (WHO), local health departments, and even by organizations that are geared towards breast care and breast cancer awareness programs, women of today should take more caution and must observe preventive measures in order to reduce the morbidity and the mortality rate of this life-threatening condition.

Breast cancer can be considered a "grave" disease when it progresses to its later stage. The sufferer will usually experience excruciating pain, and other signs and symptoms brought about by the metastasis of the cancer cells to other organs inside the body. The patient will be enduring bone aches, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular alterations, respiratory depression, and eventually die.

Luckily, the medical world has searched and discovered ways and means to diagnose and prevent the progress of breast cancer. These preventive measures are effective when the tumour on the breast area has been detected at an early stage. Early detection equates to more hope and chances for survival. Especially when considering that early treatment such as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation will usually be done immediately after the detection of the cancer cells.

So what are the preventive measures that will help a woman in the early detection of this disease? There are three (3) major diagnostic tests for breast cancer:

1. Breast Self Examination or BSE - this is a common preventive measure to early detect any changes on the breast area, such as lumps or tenderness. BSE have been taught worldwide by health care providers and even volunteer workers to women of all ages. This simple screening test is the initial detective measure that can be done by women at their homes. It involves palpation of lumps, tenderness, and assessing and changes on the skin area that might signal presence of any malignancies.

2. Breast Ultrasound - this is the second screening test that most health care providers recommend when during the BSE the woman has detected any abnormalities on her breast area. This procedure, however, is not considered a confirmatory diagnostic test to completely rule out the presence of cancer. It will only be done to evaluate any obstruction on blood flow on the breast area, or any changes in the muscle mass of the breast.

3. Breast Biopsy - when the second test has noted any mass or obstruction in the blood flow within the breast area, a breast biopsy is then ordered by the physician to finally rule out the presence of cancer. This diagnostic test can confirm the stage of cancer, the metastasis on other organs, as well as any involvement of lymph nodes that can speed up the spread of cancer cells.

With these three screening tests available to detect the presence of breast cancer, women who suffer the condition can then be advised to undergo a specific treatment to eradicate cancerous cells inside the body. It is important, however, that women should participate actively in implementing these screening tests, so that their disease condition will be treated promptly and properly.

Breast cancer is a major concern for aging women. To learn more about the breast ultrasound procedure please visit

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

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