Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Help Raise Awareness For Breast Cancer Month

Cancer is one of the most feared illnesses around, and I believe there is no better way to help raise awareness than by sending out free e-cards.

The best thing about using free e-cards is that it doesn't cost you a penny, and you can send an unlimited amount of them.

Also if you use free e-cards, you could personalise it so that it contains the message of your choice about cancer or anything else. You could send your free e-crad to any one you want as long as you have their email address.

Also, very importantly, free e-cards are very eco friendly, for a normal card loads of trees have to be felled to make them. Another good thing is that, free e-cards can be sent around the world, and they'll arrive prity much instantly for no extra cost. So you could be in the U.S.A, and then could send a free e-card to New Zealand, and it would arrive within seconds.

What started as National Breast Cancer Awareness Week in October of 1985 has since become a well-known and important tradition in the United States. The impact of breast cancer on our society is evident, with more than 175,000 women diagnosed annually.

The purpose of the holiday, however, is not so much to mourn the losses to breast cancer though that is an aspect of the observance, but to inform people of the risks and the available methods of screening and treatment. Since it was first made popular, mammography has helped countless women escape drastic measures, invasive surgeries, and other operations performed on breast cancer patients that have advanced stages of the disease.

A mammogram is literally an x-ray of the breast that can show abnormal formations and help diagnose breast cancer before it spreads to other parts of the body or becomes life-threatening.

Women with a history of breast cancer in their families are encouraged to undergo an annual mammogram to offset the risks. Unfortunately, the rate of women diagnosed with breast cancer is still rising, which is why National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a crucial factor in distributing information about the disease itself, prevention and early detection methods, and raising mindfulness and funds to research for a much-needed cure.
Show some care and commemorate this month by joining the fight to save the lives of women everywhere.

For information about breast cancer ask your doctor or contact the National Breast Cancer Institute and various other organizations concerned with the disease.

Though deaths as a result of breast cancer have decreased significantly especially since 1990, over forty thousand women are expected to die this year of the disease in the United States alone.

I like to send hundreds and hundreds of free e-cards each year, I really like to promote charities with them as well, so if I am sending a free e-card to celebrate a birthday, I will slip in a message about a chosen charity.

Millions of other people like to also send out free e-cards annually, and quite frankly I am not surprised, they are great.

Andrew Gibson is MD of It has thousands of free ecards to choose from for birthdays and all occasions. Many people now send free e-cards to celebrate birthdays and select them from thousands of free e-cards

Breast Cancer Information
Breast Cancer Information

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