The web is a wonderful thing because it make so much information readily available to anyone online. A downside of this, however, is the credibility of the information can be dubious at best, but most readers do not realize as much and start spreading incorrect information as though it is true.
Does wearing a bra increase your risk of breast cancer? A rumor suggesting as much started circulating the web a few years back. The basic idea came from a book published that suggested as much. The book, "Dress to Kill", was written by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer. In it, they suggested that wearing tight bras squeezed the lymphatic system and impaired its functioning. The lymphatic system moves carcinogens and such out of your system. Based on this, they authors concluded women who wear a bra 24 hours a day are 125 times more likely to have breast cancer then those who went without a bra.
So, should you burn your bras? Well, you might hold for a bit. First of all, who wears a bra 24 hours a day? Second, the authors admit that they did not used standardized testing procedures nor is their information conclusive. Instead, they argue their anthropological findings should raise enough questions that more rigorous scientific studies need to be done.
The criticisms of this argument have come quick and fast. They range from criticisms of the authors to the "studies" they ran to the conclusions they have reached.
The first criticism run towards the authors. They are not medical professionals. The husband-wife team seems to be more off the beat. The wife, Soma, once trained as an optician who fits eyeglasses and contact lens for patients, but is not licensed in Hawaii where they live. The husband, Sydney, is a bit more credible in that he obtained a master's degree in anthropology from Duke University. Together, the two now claim they are the founders of the new field of "applied medical anthropology." This apparently involves looking to the past to compare societies to see what differences occur medically.
The criticisms of the studies of the authors are also strong. Why? Well, there were no studies. Remember, we are talking anthropology here, so the authors instead looked at the difference between social groups who moved into a Western Environment where they were bras compared to previous environments when they did not. These conclusions, however, completely failed to take into account issues such as obesity, meat based diets and the like raised by the China Study.
On a more direct level, the criticisms of the study are fairly convincing. There is no medical evidence of a number of factors for which the authors have offered no rebuttal. Specifically, there is no indication a carcinogen cause breast cancer. Second, there is no indication a bra squeezes the lymph system or inhibits functioning. The evidence seems to counter the authors' conclusions.
We can say the authors were definitely correct about one thing. The medical establishment never lifted a finger to test their opinions. This would seem to give a sliver of credibility to their arguments. Then, however, the authors showed their true colors and lost all credibility. Why? They decided to abandon their tight bra argument. They now argue that sleeping on flat beds is really what is killing us all. Yes, they suggest doing so causes everything from Alzheimer's to menopause to impotence to just about everything you can think of.
Does wearing a bra cause breast cancer? There is no evidence whatsoever that it does. That being said, it does not mean more tests in this area are not worth pursuing given the threat of breast cancer.
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