Saturday, February 7, 2009

Breast Cancer - Risk Factors

There are manifold risk factors that could possibly become the causes for breast cancer. Some of the most common factors that possibly cause breast cancer are given below:

- Old Age:

As a woman grows older, her chances of getting breast cancer increase. Mostly women get breast cancer after 60.

- Inheritance:

Inheritance of a disease or disorder is always a big cause. A woman's possibility of getting breast cancer is high if her mother and other family members had it. Especially if her blood relatives had it before the age of forty then the risk increases more. Such a person should be highly alert and should take the precautions.

- Abnormal breast cells:

Not many women have abnormal cells in the breast but the ones who do have great risk of developing breast cancer.

Changeable Genes:

Women who have changeable genes are also on red alert. Genes which are changeable include BRCA1, BRCA2 and the like.

- Race:

The development of breast cancer does not have anything to do with the race of a woman but the treatment does. Studies have shown that breast cancer is easily diagnosed in white ladies compared to Latina, Asian or Black women.

- History of radiation therapy:

If a woman has gone through radiation therapies for the chest including breast in her 20's then they are at high risk of getting breast cancer. The younger a woman received radiation therapies the higher her risk of developing cancer gets later in life.

- Breast tissues:

Breast tissues can be fatty in some women. If the tissues are fatty and dense then the lady is at a higher risk of getting breast cancer.

- Physical activities:

Women who usually are not into sports and stuff have greater chances for developing breast cancer.

For more information click HERE

Amasch Hilbert

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