The gene transformation in breast cancer can be passed trough the next generations of females in the family, especially if the family has only few females. Over 90 percent of breast cancer cases are diagnosed during the earlier stages of the disease. Early spotting is beneficial for the patient as it typically means better Research and a stronger prognosis.
Women who are using prescription menopause drugs are placing themselves at a greatly increased risk of contracting breast cancer. The primary causes of breast cancer: nutritional deficiencies, exposure to environmental toxicity, inflammation, estrogen dominance and the resultant breakdown in genetic integrity and immune surveillance, are entirely overlooked by this fixation on drug therapy and its would-be "magic bullets."
Billions of dollars are raised and funneled towards drug research, when the lowly turmeric plant, the humble cabbage and the unassuming bowl of miso soup may offer far more promise at preventing and treating breast cancer than all the toximolecular drugs on the market put together.
The most serious form of breast cancer is metastatic cancer which involves the spread of a cancer from the place where it began. It generally metastasizes into the lymph nodes under the arms or above the collarbone on the same side of the body as the cancer which results in pain and swelling to the affected area as the lymphatic drainage system is compromised. Other common sites of breast cancer metastasis are the brain, liver and the bones.
Apart from the very obvious factor of gender, age is a critical factor when looking at the risk of contracting breast cancer. Although it can and does appear at any age the risk of getting it certainly rises as you get older. A normal woman aged 30 will normally have a 1 in 280 chance of getting breast cancer by the time she reaches 40. However, this then increases to a 1 in 70 chance when that same women is in her forties.
The exact causes of breast cancer are unclear, but we know the main risk factors. Among the most significant factors are advancing age and a family history of breast cancer. Generally, women over 50 are more likely to get breast cancer than younger women, and African-American women are more likely than Caucasians to get breast cancer before menopause. Many studies have shown that women whose diets are high in fat are more likely to get the disease.
Men and women can reduce their risk of getting breast cancer by reducing the amount of fat in their diets. They can also limit the amount of alcohol they consume. Studies are showing that the nutrient Resveratrol, may play a factor in preventing breast cancer. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant, can be found in the skins of red grapes, red wine and red or purple grape juice. Since red wine is a dietary source of Resveratrol and is an alcoholic beverage, a dietary supplement with Resveratrol is a better choice.
This Breast Cancer Information blog dedicated to support and give information for women and it is intended for general information only.
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